>>11354931 >SomE pEOplE fInd iT dIFFicUlt TO understanD how we can sEE THe wORlD prOpeRly When tHE ImaGe is UpSIDe DOWn. tHe RighT WAy tO ThINK ABOut THis iS to ADopt A COMpuTAtiONAl pErsPECTiVe. wE Do nOt peRCeIVe WhAt Is oN THe retINa; inStead, A peRCEPt is FoRmEd thrOuGh a COMPLex chAIn Of NeuRal cOmPutATions. A COnTRol cOmpUTEr DoES NOt CARe WhIch Way IS Up, and inVersION Of the IMaGe IS ThE least oF The BrAin'S cOMPuTAtiONAL PRobleMs.