>>10615788It's in there genes. Just look at this
In Japan, rape was part of culture. This is called Yobai.
they break into a woman's house at night.
And rape a woman
And he have to get out of the women's house before morning.
If a woman's family finds him, he is considered to have failed.
murder was legal in Japan.
In the private sector, there was a custom of killing young children. This was called mabiki
>Since feudal Japan the common slang for infanticide was "mabiki" (間引き) which means to pull plants from an overcrowded garden. A typical method in Japan was smothering through wet paper on the baby's mouth and nose.[82] It became common as a method of population control. Farmers would often kill their second or third sons. Daughters were usually spared, as they could be married off, sold off as servants or prostitutes, or sent off to become geishas.[83] Mabiki persisted in the 19th century and early 20th century.[84]They are always cucks