>>13186436Let's see:
House pros:
>wants to go to space>wants to stabilize NV>genius who will develop technical wonders>intelligent and eloquent and embraces realpolitik>is an autocratCons:
>wants to reachieve prewar conditions>wants to have a society of consoomers>has no ideological beliefs besides wealth and material surplusHouse is an anarcho-capitalist's dream. He has no ideology, nothing spiritually stirring; his only benefit is that his vapid, soulless industrialist bent would result in a large degree of wealth for NV, but it would be entirely concentrated in his hands alone, and he would kill anyone who threatened the constant drip feed of control. He provides nothing but what resulted in the nuclear explosions, and authoritarianism aside, he would not and cannot build what could be considered a stable or organic social fabric. It would be nothing but itches and urges fulfilled at all costs, really something close to modern China in the material aspirations. He wants to bring back prewar conditions, not limited to but including its worship of Mammon, and he sees no end ahead but whatever man can build or see. It is a very nihilistic and individualistic world that offers nothing of substance, just
>consoom product make more productAve, true to Caesar. Only bluepilled faggots side with the NCR, and only ndividualist bourgeois buttboys who hate authority and eschew community side with Not at Home.
Caesar is the best hope unless the Courier is literally Hitler.