Tears of a Subterranean Beast
This story revolves around Goda wanting her egg back.
Bandora tricks Goda, and warns the rangers not to trust their kindness. Symbolizing ascending good and evil.
Climbing over my dead body = resurrection.
Bandora tells him to wipe out the dam, an allusion to Egypt. Several of the bad guy were Illuminati-tier egypt themed.
Dragon = Satan.
Many of the characters have Satan/Saturn/Capricorn/Nimrod horns.
The Zyurangers form a perpendicular square with their arms just before killing Goda. The "Concussive Dragonstrike!"
The end scene show the dinosaur egg, and a Christian cross. It says,
"There are so many unknowns and MYSTERIES in this world."
"Bandora will use them in any way for her evil plot."
This is alluding to the mysteries schools being used for good, and evil.
The egg was the symbol of the earth to the Egyptians, the source of the Freemason Osiris resurrection rituals. The Christian cross symbolizes a modern incarnation of the dying and rising, mystery story.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GebSome Egyptologists (specifically Jan Bergman, Terence Duquesne or Richard H. Wilkinson) have stated that Geb was associated with a mythological divine creator goose who had laid a world egg from which the sun and/or the world had sprung. This theory is assumed to be incorrect and to be a result of confusing the divine name "Geb" with that of a Whitefronted Goose (Anser albifrons), also called originally gb(b): "lame one, stumbler".[8]
^ I know that says it's incorrect, but Manly P Hall talked about the goose egg world in his lectures. Masons would use it's symbolism.