>>18283064Nikki turns away from Sola, and looks into the hardcam. "And now there's no doubt, Milfy Tits. Me and you, 1 on 1, one more time. You win, you take the title. I win, the smiling face of WWA corporate gets down and dirty on Lonelyfans." She winks at the camera and grins.
"But you've done something that took me by surprise, Milfy Tits. You sent me a letter. And I'm not just surprised over how adorably old fashioned that is, I'm surprised by what you said." Nikki turns away from the camera, and addresses the fans. "You see, Milfy Tits, my future opponent, didn't use her letter to hype herself up. Or to try to intimidate me with her words. No, she invited me to her home for a homecooked dinner. Isn't that sweet?"
"But life has taught me that kindness always comes with an agenda. So I wondered, is Milfy Tits playing mind games with me? Give the orphan girl some warm food to soften her up? Is that the play? You wanna get in my head, Milfy?"