>>19142353Are you me? kinda crazy reading a post with my exact same mindset. Had to take a few years away from uni for some personal shit. Now I got accepted into my dream program, and I don't give a quarter of a fuck and feel nothing. I'm also 6'3, lift, get eyes everywhere, and don't care to pursue women much anymore either after a breakup with my nurse ex over the vaxx because we couldn't travoool made me never trust women again.
I'm not butthurt about any of it either, I'm actually in a good and positive mood throughout the day (impossible to get depressed when you take 10K iu vit D and lift). I just don't care enough to put the work in for anything when the world is going to hell in a handbasket. I see a young cutie smile at me, think to approach, then feel like the whole thing is fruitless and I just fuck off. Idk how to describe this state of being. It's not sadness or apathy, I actually care about a lot of shit. It's like a total disconnect from the public.