>>16501849I don't even know what to say about it. This is worse than that guy who self-immolated because of his favorite TV channel closing down. Because, I don't know, at least he did it over something he liked? This guy is just being extremely petty and not being able to stand a movie being screened in his city. What are you even getting out of it not being shown? The actor who made that comment is already insanely rich, he was like the most well-known celebrity in all of India. The movie is already made, and people are watching it throughout the entire country. You're just trying to stop it from being screened in this one little city, because you are that insanely devoted to the government, for whatever reason. And you're willing to throw away your life over this incredibly insignificant cause? Imagine leaving your whole life and all of your loved ones behind because of a movie you didn't like. What the fuck.
Thing is, it's not like this guy was especially mentally ill. I mean he was, but not for where he lived. This is just how Indian people are. That's what makes it so crazy. He's not a sole case of being absolutely retarded, no, it could've been any of those other people who were incredibly mad about the movie being screened. Just that this guy was the one who went ahead with burning himself alive.
What I mean is, I guess you can look at it from the outside and call them insane, but it's like looking at tribal people in an island somewhere. They seem batshit to us, but this is absolutely normal within their group. This is what's normal behavior to Indians. They do a lot of stuff like this.
Also, the Supreme Court of India was literally agreeing with this guy on what he said. That means the government in this little city was pretty much asking their Supreme Court to apologize for being right. That's just great.
Ungrateful little shits, too. The same actor helped out a lot with rehabilitation efforts when this same city protesting him had an earthquake once.