>>9784537yes because young people these days are far more risk averse than their parents or grandparents
taught constantly to mind their step and brought up in a world after 9/11
i cant even imagine an airport where they dont confiscate your fucking shampoo.
people back then could buy a house for like a year's worth of salary or something crazy but the markets i.e (((fucking capitalism))) have gone unchecked and the housing market is fucked because of it. you can't buy a house without signing off the next however many fucking years plus a deposit.
my grandparents think it's fine to go out and get corona because they survived the flu last year. i'm going out less so i don't kill them with corona.
the generation we live in is one entirely defined by fear. and for good reason. 2 financial crashes, some of the most awful news headlines 24/7 every president america has had for the last 20 years has been a fucking war criminal. boris johnson is primeminister and he's doing fucking nothing to ward against flooding or corona virus. even though flooding will get worse with global warming and corona has a 2% mortality rate in britain
things have reached a boiling point and the old faggots in charge haven't realised that while they're out gambling my fucking future away i have to sit here fucking thinking about it.
less security. less unstable markets. more gommunism. because the current generation (especially including millennials) have been fucked. so hard. for so long that they cannot see the other side.
50 years ago it was 'just get a job, get a house and marry'
now it's pray that you can get a job that pays well enough to pay off your mortgage within your fucking lifespan without spending tens of thousands on university fees
by the way that used to be free in england too
basically corona virus will solve our problems by killing us all if we're lucky