>>3045370Following all of that, I have some trust issues. At the age of 19 I finally got my license and worked on getting a therapist as I had finally gotten so angry about not doing anything to change it. I failed my first attempt as the first day I went in (I am not kidding here by the way) when I went outside to head home, I got in the car and my mother said my insurance was cancelled due to missing the payments.....
So skip to 21 after some more depression....I get my ass back into a therapist and this time I go through with it. I got on meds for what turned out to be a chemical imbalance as well as inattentive ADHD. I started taking Adult Ed classes and got my HSE (High School Equivalency) cert and spent about 1yr working through everything with my therapist. As of now I am working on learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Through some other required stuff in there and hopefully I'll be in a Front End Web Dev position soon-ish. It's been a hard road and I'm glad we never owned a gun. I've had a rope and a knife multiple times while considering suicide along the way. I couldn't go through with it. While the reasoning was strange it kept me alive because any time I've be crying and about to do something rash I'd think of a game I wanted to play that wasn't out yet or something..... That's about it though and I apologize for the wall of text but that is the short version.
If it was scattered though I didn't take my ADHD meds today and I tend to be a little sporadic when talking, jumping around a lot which comes out worse in text...