Oh, almost forgot..
>>5837518I guess that's one way to look at it, if you do end up old and crippled and covered in flies I guess there's at least one person who will enjoy the benefits of it! ^o^
>>5837520Well, it depends on how you look at it!
>>5837535But they are so persistent, don't you find it annoying if you want to sleep?
>>5837539What if you suffer some sort of physical injury?
>>5837570Well, sometimes they are hard to avoid! ^_~
>>5837585No broblems! :D
>>5837605Ohai nicemark, that sounds like a decent enough idea, but won't you miss the ability to do it yourself?
>>5837634Ooo thanks for the nice 9! :>
>>5837645Uuuh, not a fan of those to be honest!
>>5837908Well, she's clearly being extra comfy! ;9