>>6920087> be me, years ago, still a teenager > I get an iPhone for my birthday and my mom hooks it up with the iCloud service > I was an Android Chad before this, I have zero clue how iCloud works or what the fuck it does > I immediately start looking at porn in Apple HD> I also start a Snapchat account where I follow lots of qt3.14s who send people snaps of their bobs and vagenes> I take screenshots of some of these bobs > they were damn good bobs> I come home from school one day and my parents are sitting in the living room with a serious look on their face > they sit me down and open the family computer > family computer is linked to iCloud> they open up the photos and all of my precious bobs are on there, in glorious 1080p> I spend the next hour like a damn boomer, with my parents lecturing me on how iCloud technology works in the 21st CenturyMoral of the story; don't use Apple.