really sad to see people trying to short quantum computing. like, you don't understand the technology or the market, and you only have to misunderstand one of those to lose everything with a short position. and now all the sociopath shill midwit-magnet energy vampires like shkreli and cramer and damadoran are all telling them they are smart to do so. worry about some people close to me that might fall for the bait. obviously there's a lot of people in /smg/ falling for it as well.
quantum stocks at this point are just pain vehicles. they will move in the direction that hurts the most people. baron rothschild and company have already peered into their scrying stone and know exactly how much each and every one of them will be "worth" down the line, and now they're just making sure they travel along the path of most pain to reach that point.
i own qtum, as well as intc googl ibm, and a miniscule wkey laes position. loyal /smg/ readers already know this of course, but i'm talking more to the tourists and fresh meat that think they're gonna punish the naughty market for being so stupid. you won't. and if you somehow do, take your profits quickly. the tech is real. the people that move prices have a wallet so large you can't comprehend it. in fact, your brain won't let you comprehend it, it's protecting you from the shame and insignificance you would feel if you actually knew and that's a good thing. they can burn millions to make you lose thousands and consider it a great deal for the one snarky comment they can make to the servant that trims those pesky hairs that grow right on your ear nub.
consider this your last warning. they will just keep going up until you capitulate. then they will crash spectacularly until you reopen your position trying to chase your lost dollar. then pump aggressively. just stop. buy shares with cash or ignore.