>>2910799>Generation Identitylol, most of this is just ridiculous fantasy literature akin to fucking lord of the rings novels. + don't listen to the idiots telling you to hit the gym, find a sport that's for you and have the networking with the people from that sport be the thing that motivates you to go back. Also, it's much better to actually be good at self-defense or something, than to just look good.
if you want some quick tips on how to feel more manly, just grow a beard, and short-term go for some hot hook ups to get your confidence up.
But if you long term want to feel "manly", you should read up on personal finance and make smart employment and investment decisions so you can be a provider one day. Other than that just work on your etiquette, most Americans don't know how to fucking dance, eat or speak correctly, which unless you want some 3rd tier slob for a wife is something you should catch up on.