Acetaminophen: Analgesic, 500mg before injection. Preventive relief of the side effects of nausea, pain, fever, headache, and fatigue the day after.
131-M1BG: Radiotherapy, 100 mcl. Numbs senses in the applied area.
Adrenochrome: Stimulant, 0.1 mg per pound. Will trigger a psychotic reaction derealizing the subject. Subjects will hyperfocus on a topic. Side effects include talking impairment.
Mescaline: Psychedelic, 25 mg. Also known as peyote, counteracts the effects of Nyodene Derivative increasing the priority in which visual information is processed, lessens the effects of auditive and touch-based signals.
Cydril: Stimulant, 0.1 mg per pound. Increases wakefulness while decreasing fatigue and appetite. It will act as a catalyst for the effects of adrenochrome, which is a slow absorption chemical.
Nyodene Derivative: Alucinogen, 0.3 mg per pound. Inhibits the sense of self-preservation and removes the fear of death. Prolonged use of the chemical will cause a delirious state in which information visualized by the brain appears as real. Patients with mental disorders can suffer from [ego death] after use.
Instructions of use:
1) Keep the canteen in the freezer at all times and extract the 8 hours before use. Keep the packages in a dry storage room.
1b) If injured, prepare a solution of 131-M1BG, and infiltrate in the area.
2) Mix Adrenochrome, Mescaline, Cydril, Nyodene Derivative with the blood serum inside the canteen. Use 100mcl of serum per 100 pounds.
3) Consume Acetaminophen orally.
4) Inject mixed solution in the femoral artery.
5) Focus on your objective/goal. Repeat the goal to yourself, don't stop.
6) Let yourself go.
7) Once the effects are over, drink plenty of water.
The risk of losing yourself, that is the final price Kasumi. This is how you beat Casandra. I don't think you have it in you. Your ego is already dead. You won't go far enough.
Partete una pierna pendeja,
Raquel Durango