I can respect its role in history.
I can respect its modern ethics to some degree.
But its not real, Its origin has never stood up too anthropological inquiry. Its foundational literature has been changed many times through out history.
Many parts of the christian religion are adopted into the texts or wholly socially (E.G. Christmas, Churches meeting on Sunday , Easter and the Council of Trent )
I personally connect with the concept of personal relationship with god.
The most scathing condemnation is the classical and modern rejection of the study of creation, If god made the world why shouldn't we study his works? The rejection of heliocentrism, the rejection of evolution and the rejection of Big bang cosmology are proof that modern Christianity is more concerned with its own power than knowing God.
No educated scientist believes in a finite big bang, "The Singularity" is highly misinterpreted by the public.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr6nNvw55C4 Fermilab has a great video on this subject.
Modern Christians obsess over science "trying to disprove god" While if god exists they are studying his creation and only the deceivers should be afraid.
Personally I'm an atheist because It is the clearest position against organized religion.
Truth be told I believe in a watch maker for my personal ethics and would cry out on my death bed for my own comfort.
The truth is the truth regardless of opinion.