>be >>1698768>have an IQ of about 90>a high school history teacher once mentioned that people in "the past" had an average life expectancy of only 25>don't use my brain to digest the information and just accept it at face value>don't understand the difference between average life expectancy and expected lifespan, assume there is no difference>a few years later, bring my "deep knowledge of history" to bear in an internet debate>get politely corrected, provided with three different links with explanations of why I am supposedly wrong>one of the links looks like an amateur blog, like those blogs creationists and UFO tinhatters are writing, it's a chance!!>decide that an ad hominem attack on the blog's credibility will prove me right>not even realizing that those were just the first three results (of many) in a google search and the person who posted them doesn't even give a shit if I don't believe one of them>not bothering to address the preponderance of evidence and reasoning by people claiming to be much smarter and more informed than me>just being smugly content in my own stupidity and ignorance>*drops mic*You are a perfect example of the low end of a Dunning-Kruger curve. The sad thing is you will probably never learn or ever get any smarter, but your confidence in your knowledge will increase disproportionately as you age.