>>9148426>Red RutheniaI don't know what the fuck is this shit and how you Polish degenerates choose to call it. We had the Polotsk prinipiality, Galycko-Volynskoe principiality, Smolensk principiality, Kievan principiality and Novgorod principiality. Those were Russian principialities, our land, our people, speaking our language, carrying our genes. You invaded all of them, killing men and raping the women, enslaving the population, some of those princialities you conqered entirely and owned for 300 years, until we retook them.
We were in civil war, because Yaroslav the Wise fucking died and there was a power struggle with his sons fighting over the title of the Great Knyaz. But that happened in 1054 and we existed as semi-independent, allied principialities for basically 2 centuries and you didn't dare to do shit. ONLY and ONLY when the mongols attacked, killed thousands of us and forced us under their yoke - you made your move. You moved like a hyena smelling blood of a weakened prey, so much land for the taking, so much women to rape, so much men to enslave. You attacked a weakened state suffering from feudal disputes and ravaged by a chink horde invasion.
Churchill was right, Poland is truly the hyena of Europe.