>>19390123“It’s back where it belongs!” Karna roared out, “Funny enough, the owner also told me to get mad about this shit! Mare was fucking screwed and I’m done playing around!!”
[C.A.M.O and Hisakuma come running into the room]
"Karna! What the fuck are you doing?!"
>どうしたの! ? >どうしたの! ?Karna:
"Stopping feeling sorry for myself, that’s what!"
"So busting the furniture for no reason!?"
"Maybe if there was competent management where we work, I wouldn’t have to! Move!"
[Karna blows past C.A.M.O, who’s about to strongly retort until stopping herself. Not wise to make a angry Saiyan even angrier, or else the Night Villa probably wouldn’t even exist and the busted furniture would be the least of their problems…]
>ごめんなさい、何が起こったのですか?馬さんを見ていたんですが…それが問題でしたか?>(Sorry, what happened?! I was watching Equine-san and…oh, was that it?)