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>cute light brown twink bottom comes over (not sure of the ethnicity, some kind of south asian?)
>we get into bed
>he said his nipples are the most sensitive part of his body
>so i suck them
>he asks me how tf im so good at it he's never had somebody suck his nipples so well before
>i get horny
>pants come off
>he puts his smoll mouth around my dick
>its too big for his mouth but he tries anyway
>i get some teeth... meh
>he tells me he has never seen somebody precum so much its just a constant flow filling his mouth
>i try to fuck his ass
>he's too tight
>like, impossible to get it in
>big white chad pinning this tiny frail darker skinned boy and not having success breeding him because my cock is just to big
>the whole ordeal lasted 2 hours and i still didnt get my rocks off
god dammit