How to be racist in Chinese without possible consequences
Anonymous ID:/XsFzpUE No.12053025 View ViewReport Quoted By:
/bant/ you will want to read the following.
In Chinese, we have this thing called "Chengyu" which are thousand-years-old idioms that still exist in modern Chinese languages. Typically, they are fixed expressions formed from 4 characters. Some examples:
损人利己 = harm - person - benefit - self = "To seek benefit at the expense of others"
力不从心 = strength - no - obey - heart = "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"
独一无二 = sole - one - without - two = "Unique"
Following Chengyu's structure, you can create a raciss Chengyu to be safely used across the internet without the risk of ending up on some *list*. I came up with the most obvious one:
烧煤付费 = burn - coal - pay - fee = Burn the coal, pay the toll.
And it even sounds good, it rhymes. It is pronounced "shāoméi fùfèi", or "shaw may foo fay". Very easy to pronounce.
Feel free to use 烧煤付费 anywhere in order to imply the toll was duly paid by certain given female. Few westerners can speak Chinese, let alone read it and if they can read it they will hardly associate that fake Chengyu with the more commonly heard saying.
Have fun.