>>4695446>mk.1 animus-bot aka: dog/canine model or "interceptor" basically in this physical world as we think we know it there are chakra limiters that prevent us from funneling or re-directing residual human ethertic energy, in the astral there isn't really any of these limiters so that's how the guys from "the shop" figured a way to construct sort a astral robotic apparatus/suit that you can sort of "jump" into and pilot simultaneously while awake here and also inside the etheral at the same time.
this thing looks like a 12 ft. tall robot wolf if you can believe that, also it kind of has a mind of it's own so these animus-bots need a a "training period " because they are absolutely chaotic and out of control during their infancy period... that's what they use me for, to tame these out of control astral mechanical-beasts that they use to counter UFO's
pretty crazy right?