You dig quite a shitty hole, it is above a sewage pipe. It smells terrible.
>>1854996>>1855026The arume notices you both. She is scared beyond belief. She jumps in the river to never be seen again.
Nope, still can't make a dick.
Though, you manage to blow up 1 arume.
Riko starts running at you and throwing plasma balls at you. Damn, things just escalated.
"Get out of the way! I have business with Jason!"
>>1855016>>1855026Halton shoots arthas in the shoulder. Arthas looses control of the motorcycle and flips it over. Aikko ends up getting scratched up by the ground after falling. She's bleeding all over.
An arume levitating vehicle floats by you after seeing the shot. The door opens, and the arume in there don't know you're human, they think you're one of them.
You keep missing due to your low roll. Maybe its time to jump off and escape?