>>10649204 >CAn EtHicS ever ASPIre to BE A RigORouS acADEMic DisciplIne tHat deLIVERS aN ImpaRtial pErsPECTiVE EMbrAcINg the inTeRESTs of ALL sentieNT lifE: the WELl BEING oF posTHuMan, HuMAn And NOn-hUMAn AnIMalS; hypOthetiCAL eXtrA-TeRREsTrIAL lIFE, futUrE "CYborGs", anD ARtIficial LIfE ALiKe? Or wilL ETHiCs aLwaYS serve to rATiOnaliZE tHE SElf-InTeRest Of the wOrLD’s mOsT powerful lifeForms?