>>19338231I was a male inmate, no we the fuck cannot. I did not see or touch a computer for 5 years. A girl I gave a ride to ditched her weed in my car when I got pulled over and I've faced all kinds of shit. It was hard to even survive it intact and without getting raped. I have time added for fights because I stood up fro myself. I didn't have phone numbers memorized and they took my cell phone for evidence. It's a nightmare. I didn't know how to handle it at all. I couldn't talk to anyone I knew. It was months before an attorney got me any contact. I lost my job, my car is repossessed because I missed payments, eviction over missed payments. I had no options nothing. And they use every negative thing like the eviction or car against you for parole and further sentencing for fights. It only takes a few months of not being able to pay bills to have your life destroyed. I can't even resign, so my latest employment got to tell everyone I was terminated for not showing up.
Word of advice to everyone. Memorize phone numbers. Your partner, a lawyer, and some family. Know the passwords for your emails. If you have a tool remember passwords then no one will give you access to your original computer or phone so you'll never get in and that computer/phone will likely be auctioned off to pay for things. Memorize at least one account number or bank card so you can pay for something.
Like, men might have the same rights on paper but no one offers us the benefit of the doubt, we don't have a fucking puppy program. There is a bitch in there for life and she gets a puppy? Dude, this is the most black pilled shit I have ever seen.