ITT we list anything we hate and why we hate it.
Anonymous ID:/w/5qK7W No.6045849 View ViewReport Quoted By:
I fucking hate these red bastards so much, the mere sight of a communist sends me into pure rage.
>Communist Chinese
I hate these fuckers more than your average communist they subvert and destroy more than the average communist and the average communist subverts and destroys a lot!
>homosexuals bisexuals and trannies
it goes against the bible, every time I see a home I want to kill them
these savage beast destroy any land they touch; I wish the founding fathers would have outlawed slavery so that we wouldn't have disgusting spooks in this great nation of ours.
>North Korea
these commie degenerates oppress and brainwash the innocent in North Korea all fucking day, the communist gooks don't really have any subversive power in the U.S. though but they're still communist so I hate them.
>the Japanese
These filthy island yellow monkeys have a long history of oppressing and destroying other nations, it wasn't until the U.S. kicked their filthy nip asses in world war 2 that they went on a quick hiatus, but then they started scheming again in the 1960's, these disgusting island ching chongs created anime to subvert and destroy nations once they realized that they couldn't conquer the world militarily.
>the French
they're a bunch of cheese eating wine sipping surrender monkeys.
>the globalist
same reason I hate the communist Chinese.
>the (((globalist)))
same reason I hate the communist Chinese.
savage disgusting rapist pedophile hypocritical monsters that want to destroy us all.