to /qa/
Banned for refuting whites lies about YHWH's law.
>You have been banned from /pol/ for posting >>>/pol/352353191, a violation of Rule 1:>>Off-topic; all images, debate, and discussion should be related to politics and current events. Off-topic threads should be posted on /bant/.>>Your ban was filed on December 16th, 2021 and expires on December 19th, 2021 at 02:52 ET, which is 2 days and 23 hours from now.>>According to our server, your IP is: The name you were posting with was Anonymous.>>Because of the short length of your ban, you may not appeal it. Please check back when your ban has expired.YHWH allows child brides in the greek and hebrew source texts of the Old Testament. White people cite their english translations to say otherwise and delete any refutation of their english false translations.
Their god is the white woman: they reject YHWH and have stamped out his law the world over. I can't even refute them on /pol/ because they are the janitors. White fucking scum who worship women and bomb afghan pashtuns for marrying little girls (it is their right to marry little girls under YHWH's laws)