Christ was a Hebrew Judahites and an actual Israelite. The Israelites were nice med olive to white looking Caucasian people, very similar to Anatolian people back in the day further up north clustering close to them, they also had some people with lighter features. Current Samaritans are still somewhat similar to them but they are not the same thing as ancient Israelites either overall. No current group is.
Christ being super based and merciful to that Canaanite lady, lol comparing them to dogs. He preferred his own Israelite tribe. Nothing wrong with preferring your own people/nation. In fact he commented to love your children’s people and neighbor which means people of your tribe.
He was also the Word made flesh: sinners and worship the golden Hebrew who was an actual Jew (short for Judahite) not a fake larper aka current bizarrely mixed Jews, partly offspring of the fake (edomite) Jews he mentioned.
As Caucasians btw we do share a link with ancient Israelites though obviously we were not actually them. We even share some direct ancestry as they mingled with the Philistines who came from our continent and there was also Greek & Anatolian immigration to that ancient region of God.