Quoted By:
>be a relatively normal person
>was never into anime
>saw a webm of a cute animal girl playing a cool chord progression
>find the show, think "yeah, this looks good, I'll see what the fuss is about anime"
>watch the first episode of K-on
>OK the girls are cute but where's the cool music?
>watch a few more
>kinda reminds me of my friends when we played as a band in high school and at school concerts
>the more I watch, the more I think "hey, this is literally me", I was the shy but super serious one of our group
>had another super responsible and academic friend and a cool music teacher that let us do whatever we wanted, fuck this show is weirdly similar
>realise those friends have all gone off to do their own thing now
>watch these girls have experiences and moments I had the opportunity of having, but never did
>watch the cute anime girls live the parallel reality of the perfect comfy high school experience I never had
>finish season 2 and the movie
>haven't cried for 3 years but waz trying not to wake my sister at 1am from my tears
>tfw I would give anything for those days again
It's been a week since I finished the series, still an empty husk of a person, no sign of happiness returning yet. I would ask for more anime recs but I probably need a break from any formal of media, just wanted to get that off my chest.