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I'm honestly real fucking tired & mentally & even fucking physically exhausted from just participating in these fucking threads all day. It's getting so old dealing with you same fucking faggots. I hate that i can identify all of you just by your posts at this point. Even those with the same flags. I'm literaly getting fucking brain zaps from dealing with all you niggers.
I can't leave though so i have to put up with the lot of you until this general stops or i get an aneurism. I hate 98% of you worthless niggers & i wish cancer on most of you, your family & future children if you ever manage to make some. My body is tired from all this shit & all i do is sit on my chair. I know i should leave but guess what? I'm still going to be here tomorrow & still going to post my good nights. My brain hurts so much at this point. I cant take the same god damn arguments hour after hour from the same 40 or so posters. So close to losing it i'm going to end up treatment again.
I don't give a fuck about your waifu baits, idc what you have to say about Betty but it's the dealing with you anons part that fucking does it for me. fucking kys all of you