adrenochrome running dry
it's what the elite used as a drug
the way they got it was through torturing children before ritually killing them
this was done to produce blackmail on people who wished to seek power
once trump got into office the supply lines for these began to be cut off
they had to find a source of it or face withdrawals
when you're rich and powerful you don't just ween off you find a new source
the new source happened to come from wuhan
which happened to be the lab funded by soros and bill gates
which also happened to be where corona virus broke out's a ritual
it's to get blackmail
it's to find those who are willing to do unsung acts in order to gain power
this allows them to operate behind the scenes without ever putting themselves in the public eye
The question is how much more dangerous is it than other virus epidemics we've seen over the years? How many of the reported cases and deaths are false positives from faulty test kits?
And it's already been reported that there's 2 strains and that it's mutating rapidly. Some here think there's a mild public strain that infects the general public, intentionally released by deepstate to put everyone into panic, and maybe the second strain was released to counter that and target adrenochrome users only?
There's certainly something going around, but how much of the pandemic is really a result of the virus, and how much of this crisis is a cover for other operations?
The hospitals being overwhelmed makes sense if every person who gets sick and shows some of the very generic symptoms (fever, cough, potential breathing issues) are all rushing to the hospital at the same time seeking treatment due to the panic.