Quoted By:
See the problem is I speak to suburban kids
Who otherwise would've never knew these words exist
Whose moms probably would've never gave two squirts of piss,
'Til I created so much motherfuckin' turbulence,
Straight out the tube right into your living rooms I came,
And kids flipped when they knew I was produced by Dre,
That's all it took, and they were instantly hooked right in,
And they connected with me too because I looked like them,
That's why they put my lyrics up under this microscope,
Searchin' with a fine tooth comb, it's like this rope
Waitin' to choke
Tightening around my throat,
Watching me while I write this,
Like I don't like this,
All I hear is lyrics, lyrics, constant controversy,
Sponsors working 'round the clock to try to stop my concerts early
Surely hip-hop was never a problem
In Harlem
Only in Boston,
After it bothered the fathers of daughters starting to blossom,
So now I'm catchin' the flak
From these activists when they raggin',
Actin' like I'm the first rapper
To smack a bitch, or say "faggot",
Shit, just look at me like I'm your closest pal,
The posterchild,
The motherfuckin' spokesman now for...
White America
So to the parents of America,
I am the Derringer aimed at little Erica
To attack her character,
The ringleader of this circus of worthless pawns
Sent to lead the march right up to the steps of congress,
And piss on the lawns of the White House,
To burn the flag and replace it with a Parental Advisory sticker
To spit liquor
In the faces of in this democracy of hypocrisy
Fuck you, Ms. Cheney,
Fuck you, Tipper Gore,
Fuck you with the freest of speech this Divided States of Embarrassment will allow me to have,
Fuck you,
fucked it up but most relevant part