>>11993853>>11993868>>11993870A MAGNETIC pole excursion &/or reversal would be "disruptive" but not catastrophic. FIRST the magnetic poles would become weaker AND erratic. There might be several "North" and "South" poles at random places all over the earth. THEN the field would shut off nearly completely. Anywhere from 50 to 500 years later the field would grow back with a 50% chance to be "reversed". (NOTE: The magnetic field of Earth has dropped 50% in the last 400 years.) This has happened THOUSANDS of times on Earth, and there is no fossil evidence of it causing (large scale) extinctions.
The follow WOULD happen:
>The stuff that happens at the North/South pole would happen all over the earth>A slight increase in cosmic radiation will reach the earth. Cancer rates will rise from 1% to 3% more than NOW.>Weather may be affected. This would mostly affect CROPS and FOOD PRODUCTION.>Modern power systems MIGHT be affected as smaller solar flares hit the unprotected earth. This would disrupt crappy systems like in the 3rd world, but most 1st world countries will be ok (with a little maintenance). Same for phone and data networks.>Satellites might be affected. Newer "hardened" satellites will might have to be launched to replace older ones.That's it. Stop smoking and drinking so much and you won't even notice the increased cancer. The BIGGEST problem will be overpopulated 3rd world shit holes that suddenly find themselves without enough food.