College administrations, such as Evergreen, wanting to look good at any cost are bullying teachers into handing out good grades to failing students.
Evergreen also is one of those colleges with very low entry requirements.
Meaning that large swaths of emotive teenagers who haven't learned to think critically being ""educated"" by teachers in non-stem courses were critical thinking is optional.
Oh and i prey to god (i'm atheist) that this girl >3.38 is dyslexic. [Embed]
Classical liberal (equity of opportunity) teacher of biology at Evergreen, bret weinstein stands up for his beliefs and tries to have a civil debate with the pro-equity of outcome group composed of young ""adult"" white anarchists obeying oppressed blacks. They've all been brainwashed by "Crashing this plane, the fire rises" tier FemiNazi Black Supremacist Naima Lowe [Embed]
rubin report [Embed]
Joe Rogan [Embed]
Naima Lowe [Embed] [Embed]
KGB communist brainwashing tactics in universities [Embed]