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Get shilled on, niggers. ASTS was up 12.48% Friday, after a multimonth consolidation. Next week, either it'll do something or it won't. The company continues to make progress and beta testing with AT&T, Verizon, and Vodafone is expected later this month. Meanwhile, Wall Street analysts are pulling pro moves like sitting through an AT&T presentation explaining how they'll use ASTS, asking AT&T's CEO if he's considered doing the stuff they just said they were doing, and getting told by the CEO that that's what they're doing already. A lot of these guys can't understand the technical explanation and are just waiting for numbers.
In other shilling, GALT will release data from its drug trial at any time between now and the end of the month. Shorts have been bear raiding it, including the infamous Shkreli. VKTX is cheap again, and looks like a good buying opportunity for the best obesity drug data in the industry. They've been openly inviting buyout offers, just finished phase 2, and are planning phase 3 with the FDA.