>>18384751>.>this is true. all whites around me crabs in a bucket, even my brother and cousine>at this point i dont know what to think about people>everyone is satanic, nothing pure have left in people and this makes me feel alone and incapable with this worldWhites follow a guy who says
1) Cut your dick and balls off for heaven (Matthew 19)
2) Drown any man that likes young girls (Better a millstone)
3) Women have the lawful right to have sex with other men behind their husband's back: infact the fact that they have to do it behind his back is the problem ("Do not cast the first stone").
4) Abandon your father and mother and instead cleave to the woman (be disinhrited)
5) Give away all your property (disinherit your sons).
6) Die for the woman.
7) Obey all earthy rulers. (All New Testament stuff)
Whites do all of this.
While whites reject a guy who said
1) If you rape a female child in her fathers house: pay the father 50 silver and keep the girl as your bride. (5th book of OT)
2) If anyone entices you to follow another Power, kill them
3) The man is the ba'al (master, ruler) of the woman.
4) No men with cut off genitals in the Assembly.
Whites seethe and hate this message and call that guy Satan (Jesus did too).
And maybe OT guy is the /adversary/ of the NT/White belief: who knows.
(Satan means adversary: so if someone hated the masculine early OT god: and wanted a dick-chopping pro-woman anti-loli replacement : I guess he would be their adversary)
Young girls are the solution to the woman problems.
Whites and who they worship are in the way.