>>1319162drama queen, most of that was just annoying.
shit i'll even break it down for you
>I miss Swedish Megumin posteravatarfag
>I miss Russian antigay/anti3d Santania posterprobably still posts, satania gets spammed less
>I miss Polish discount Tsumugi postercopycat avatarfag
>I miss Brazilian Megumin posteravatarfag
>I miss Finn posterthey're like australia. they're all the same as each other
>I miss cabin boy comfy threadsthere's a thread already
>I miss Bant Plant, Simon, Bantelope, and Blepeforced memes, terrible cancer. /s4s/ tier
>I even miss Chilean >tfw no boyfriend poster and British Felix gayposteryou miss spam threads
>I miss not having /pol/ threads herelike how this place was literally made to move off topic /pol/ threads here?
>I miss mods not actively trying to ruin this boardthey are doing a fantastic job, more effort than i've seen on any other board
>I miss not having the same stale threads everydayyou wouldn't have made the top 11 other complaints if this was true
>I miss not being flooded by /b/no porn = no /b/. sorry for being too RANDOM for you :^)
>I'm going to miss you, /bant/won't miss you faggot. you could have flown under the radar if you didn't try so hard to be a pain in the ass
bye faggot