Quoted By:
>>>le sharty culture! which includes but isn't limited to:
>>>dumping ground for threads from better boards
>>>porn (but hates porn doe)
>>>being trans (but hates trannies doe)
>>>being a faggot
>>>being nonwhite
>>>being an incel
>>>fishtank live
>>>all the worst parts of /qa/ while claiming we succeed the good parts of /qa/
>>>seething over the jarty/bant being better
>>>seething over /a/ (heckin delete it)
>>>rampant discordfaggotry
>>>a discord mafia of edgefaggots who bump dead threads constantly
>>>more cp, this time left up for multiple days
>>>tranitors who are literal trannies
>>>below 100 pph
>>>unfunny twitter humor made by xitter tourists
>>>and being hopelessly autistic
>>>but it isn't 4cuck doe even doe half our culture came from 4cuck