>>8102440TL/DR: Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven to a land-owner who trolled some day-laborers by hiring them to work hard all day for a pre-agreed pay, and then gave that same pay to some other day-laborers who barely did any work.
The parable is interesting because it reveals a kind of "glitch" in our brain's programming: we resent being paid the same amount for doing more work, even if we agreed beforehand on that pay. If we didn't know the other man got the same pay, we'd be perfectly happy. Why does the fact another man got paid the same thing for less work make us unhappy, if we would have been happy by default?
I applied it here because the gnostics believe you have to work hard at studying riddles and figuring out their meaning, and that by doing so you'll get more rewards than the more casual Christian. But that's not how the kingdom works, according to Matthew 20.