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I give up
>28 years old
>never touched a female
>fap 5 - 10 times on free days
>fap 2 -3 times on work days
>work dead-end shit job
>NEET for 4 years before that
>CV is a mess and pretty much renders me unhireable
>zero friends
>mother dead and father is mentally ill because of alcoholism (korsakov syndrome)
>rest of the family hates me and does not give a fuck about me
>even fucked me over for a couple of thousand €s of inheritance, then cut contact
>live in rotten, decrepit house that even my poorfag parents never managed to renovate
>5'8" manlet
>ugly as fuck
>problems with eyes, have been operated on my right eye 3 times last year
>completely immersed in my daydreams 24 / 7
I absolutely give up. I will try to attend university in another state next year just to get away from this shitheap that is my life and try to salvage this absolute mess that is my life.
How can I accept jesus as my savior. I am just so done with everything.