>>10216585>talk with aliceI comence all conversation no matter who is in question (even a brown gf) as with any other stranger; keeping to safe, unpressured speech with occasionaly pokes to check the safeness of conversation [case and point: when commenting about reimu's smegma if she/he truly didn't shower 2 weeks- I tried to be less direct about it as it was a part that actually interested me and didn't want {THE_ONE_WHO_SHALL_NOT_BE_SUMMONED} to get offended, but they showed clear disgust from that question and now I still don't know wether there was or wasn't any groin cheese being fermented in Austria or nah]
if I'm not specifically interested in topic at hand (or atleast not as on the edge about) I take a more open approach releasing the flood gates as seen in convo with Alice yesterday
to be honest I may not completely be in the know how to properly talk with girls but that's pretty much how it is
>if very interested in topictest the grounds how comfortable they are with talking about it
>if not particularly interested in topicopen approach, say everything I know and hear everything they know and want to say about it
>if atraction is in playcompliment her for minor stuff
>if big attraction is in playcompliment her for big stuff IF she didn't show retraction from minor compliments
you know I would love it if a nerdy chad would explain all there is to talking with women and how to analyticaly progress the conversation aswell as filter undesireable candidates with these IF, THEN and ELSE functions