>>11763574>I was thinking about your physical neighborhood...As I opened with, my local neighborhood is much too sleepy for any forward-action considerations.
I've only been here to years. We are the largest county, the poorest in the state, yet, with a small amount of people...with no discernable cohesion amongst residents.
Heck. Our mayor's death went unreported!
The one good thing may be that the NG is down the road a bit, technically within walking distance. Whether they are friendlies or not, though, I hsve no clue. If you have a way to check it out...that will be very helpful. Report back.
>I miss the fraternity of the olden days as well. At least I have bonded with my direct neighbor. Though it appears there's no 'mayor' of our sleepy neighborhood...I have the ability to step in if necessary.
>I have no doubt of this ability, for I have a history of taking the reins as needed, no matter the danger...turning chaos into order.Hopefully I won't have to, but, the thought HAS been on my mind the past few months.
>I'm still trying to understand this very eccentric and very based collection of people.
jeje...you mean (we) here?
Perhaps vetting us individually is in order? I, for one, am open to answer any questions you might have about me that might help you gain understanding.
It's your call. lol