>>19525545>picLying kike. The christians are the only ones opposing this shit. You can post that fucking meme about a couple of organizations that call themselves christian all day long. That does not change the fact that the people letting these people in are the fucking government. But you know what, fuck you, lets see what the combined budget of these orgs is.
>Church world service$68,300,951
>Epicopal migration services$51,813,700
https://extranet.generalconvention.org/staff/files/download/26364>Lutheran immigration and refugee serviceshttps://www.lirs.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/LIRS-2022-Financial-Statements-FINAL.pdf$188,902,530 (note, US government grants gave them 179,864,324)
>USCCB$124,881,840 (80 million from grants) from the government)
>world relief corporation104,292,826 (84,643,895 in grants)
Collectively these organizations are spending 535 million dollars. Over half of that (345 million) is coming from the government. It's a fucking pittance, retard
>the fiscal burden of providing essential services and benefits to illegal aliens costs American taxpayers nearly $151 billion each year.