>>15661764Hello. And, yeah, I actually had eggs for breakfast today, although, I wasn't the one who made them. Still, it was pretty nice. But the only reason I had some was because we ran out of honey, and, eggs are pretty much the only other thing we have. I was bummed out about having to eat eggs, cause, I have this weird thing, where when I think about eating eggs, I just get grossed out, I don't know why. Not all the time, but when I had eggs like the day before or something. I just get burned out on them really fast, I guess. At that point, the feeling I get from thinking about eggs is, I think the same as the thought of cannibalizing my own finger or something, I just don't feel like doing it. Yeah, anyway, but once I get myself to eat some eggs, even after having that thought, I actually enjoy it every time, it's never a bad meal. So, I don't know why I get that feeling when I think about having eggs, but, I like to eat them anyway, yeah. It just makes it hard for me to get myself to eat some, unfortunately, like I'd rather starve then eat eggs when I get that feeling, makes me very reluctant. I wish my parents got some Nesquik already. But, yeah, I do like it when I eat eggs.
>>15661778Uh, well, a wide, I guess.