>>1690257>>1690257First of all hacking is for oval-teen, spooge drinking, nigger fuckers; ok. As a matter of fact they have to- I don't even know how to do sys-entry to be quite honest. (Types) I have to use for it. (Single key press) it's a protection mode; (key presses) it's ring three faggotry. I want fucking ring zero, I don't want fucking ring- go - don't give me fucking ring three. Fuck ring three man, I want ring zero. Ever since I was a system programmer at TicketMaster, fuck yeah man, i'm a king man, I fucking programmed in ring zero. Ring three is ghetto, f-fuck ring zero, that's for ghetto peasants. Peasants program in ring-fucking-three man. I fucking (short pause) Ring three is for peasants.