from my point of view the only transgression I commited in a long long time (such a long time) is the fact I didn't hang myself in 2018 and I continue avoiding my imminent demise
a part of the world would genuinely be better if I just died, I am a burden after all, I'm incompetent to do anything and I need a lot of drugs to keep myself from ending myself
but people wouldn't let go of me because they are afraid of changes thus if I were to die lots of bad shit would follow because people around me are weak and blind
>have you know whatunless it's autism/adhd/depression then idk, maybe ocd
like most meme conditions aren't exactly memes, a lot more people have autism than it is recorded it's just that vedy high functioning autists are gennerally left out of context, like whatcs the point in categorising people that csn do on their own in society despite having this condition that seems to affect them so little
sure, a lot more people have ocd even than people claim, mental dissorders are rarely caused by pathogens and microorganisms that they can be positively detected, thus all you can look is symptoms, evem MRI and cat scans are used merely to look at indications of brain growth in areas commonly connected with those dissorders
it sll boils down to how severe the condition is and if you can function normaly in society, that's really all there is to it
>much harder to od on cocaineonly if we're talking pure substance, lets say hipothethicslly you were drinking water that had 8 ppm molar concentration of cocaine, you'd sooner od on peppermint tea than on cocaine
you're more likely to od on pure caffeine than on coffee too, peppermint tea isn't a pure substance so why should it be compared to cocaine in same matter?
>>11524838bad, can't get any privacy to do the illegal