>>13357910> be me> doing no fap> on day 7> develop strong sissy fetish> hops on gridr and find semipassable trap> meet her at a sketch motel 8 and get a room>pretty nervous already and a bit drunk> drink more> he is a lot more masculine in person she must use photoediting> at this point more nervous but too autistic to leave> just decide to fuck anyway> he had decent ass though so he i fuck doggy> sex was decent> when I bust a nut inside her though i come back down to reality and realize what I've done> actually get a good look at her face and realize "she's" an overweight 30 year old man in a wig"Ive basically never felt shame like this before wtf is wrong with me... it seemed so fucking hot at the time but now i realize how digusting i am wtf"
Don't you cuck's get "free" healthcare, where the fuck are your glasses?