>>11353637 >aI ResearCHerS hAve dEVOtEd lItTle EFfOrT TO PaSSInG thE tURIng tesT, BelIevinG thAT it Is More ImPORtAnt to STuDY thE uNDerlyINg PrINciPles oF inteLLiGeNCE THan to DUPlICATe an ExEMPlaR. the QUEst for "ARtiFICIAL FliGHt" SUCCeEdEd wHEN ThE WrIght BrOtHers anD OThErS StoppeD IMItATINg birds And StARtEd USiNG wInd TUNNEls anD LEArNINg aboUT aeRodyNAMics. AERONAUtiCaL ENGINEeRing tEXTS Do NOt dEfinE tHE GOal oF THeIR FieLD as maKING "mACHINeS ThaT flY SO ExaCTlY LIke pIGEONs THAt thEY caN FooL eVen OThER Pigeons."