>>10981279>P-P-PROJECTIONNNN!!!!Is this really the best you fucking sayanim hasbara posters can come up with? Seriously?
>Christianity killed romeWhat is Byzantine.
Why are you pagans so illiterate on history for one thing? Second why are you all using atheist tropes that got debunked two decades ago when you had to slink away from the internet in fucking shame because of the fedora meme. And now you're back with fucking PAGANKEKERY it's just incredible.
>>10981280No it's not. Homosexuality is a sin. Christ made it clear that the nations of the world are to be separate.
And what does paganism offer? Oh yeah! Trading other white europeans to muslims and jews for gold. Travelling to WHITE EUROPEAN countries and raping women and children. Oh raiding WHITE EUROPEANS settlements and stealing women and children then selling those women and children to muslims and jews.
Yeah real fucking nationalistic.