Quoted By:
Much I marvelled at this ungainly lack of discourse oh so plainly,
Clearly their answers little meaning - little relevancy they bore;
For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
Ever yet were as retarded as the people in the board next door -
Crying about internet drama worse than feminazis ever done before
'Tmust be Reddit-tier and nothing more.
But 4chan's spirit, stifled by the newfag cancer, did show itself,
In that one board, as if its soul in that one board it did outpour.
Nothing interesting it muttered - twas all nonsense r/banter uttered -
Yet faintly I felt a sense of longing for the lulzy days of yore -
And sense that was what other /bant/icoots were also looking for.
If asked to leave my answer is undoubtedly `Nevermore.'