>>13116897Pain in hell is way more painful than it is here, and it doesn't stop. Here you can just die, and the pain is gone, but in hell... you never die. And the pain there is more real than anything you can experience here.
Do not seek to preserve this world, seek first the Kingdom of God for it is eternal. You care so much for the flesh, yet Jesus can create a white man from dust if He likes. Nothing will perish if God doesn't allow it to perish, and how do you imagine to save the white man if God decides to destroy the white man? You can't.
My friend, you are in the End Times, right now. You better repent and seek Jesus, for the Tribulation are starting in less than 5 years, and it will be tough. You better get out with the Rupture, or you will have to endure the hour of temptation. Its heaven or hell. There is no middle ground, and eternity is a long time.